The Misfit Toys of the Film Festival Production

Bruce Grove
Festival Director
Favorite All Time...
Movie - The Princess Bride
Director - Christopher Nolan
Movie Genre - Action / Adventure
Actor / Actress - Jamie Chung
Important Facts:
Can't do a backflip
Lives in Migraine City
Christopher Bartlett
Technical Director
Favorite All Time...
Movie - Star Trek II
Director - Alfred Hitchcock
Movie Genre - Horror
Actor / Actress - Mads Mikkelsen
Important Facts:
Loves Tay-Tay
Scottish, but hates golf

Marshall haas
Social Media Manager
Favorite All Time...
Movie - Pokemon the Movie (2000)
Director - Christopher Nolan
Movie Genre - Comedy
Actor / Actress - Adam Driver
Important Facts:
1 of 10 Left Handed People in the World
#1 Spongebob Fan in the World
Rae Lee
Vender Coordinator
Favorite All Time...
Movie - Paprika
Director - Lynne Ramsay
Movie Genre - Thriller
Actor / Actress - Margo Martindale
Important Facts:
Had rabies
Made Emily Prentice Hold Food

George HArvey
The Festival Ghost
Favorite All Time...
Movie - Knight and Day
Director - Clint Eastwood
Movie Genre - Comedy / Action
Actor / Actress - Clint Eastwood
Important Facts:
Plays Guitar
Hated this Questionnaire